
#856, Subterranean Twenty-Third Street

I took the subway four times in New York, all on the last full day of our visit. Penny bought me a Mighty Wallet with the subway map on it, and it was tremendously helpful. If/when I do go back to NYC, being able to get around expands my options tremendously.

I don't usually mention my site tracker, but this evening I noticed it was at an even 37,000. Not bad for six years' work.

(`thewsreviews, on the other hand, is past 84,500 visitors in less than three years.)

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I have broken the links to hundreds and hundreds of photos, which will take a long time to repair. The workaround is to replace "photo.matthewpiers" in the link URL with "matthewpiers.smugmug". Awkward, but only temporary.

This is happening because I have revamped matthewpiers dot com. More of what I write and photograph will be going there, so check it out as well.

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