An interesting brick: internet research tells me that Staso was a brickworks in operation in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, during the 1950's. That's just outside of Pittsburgh, so this little brick is a long way from home.
Note the American spelling of "Gray".
Now that I have the God Nikon, I'll occasionally think that I should have bought the Nikon 60/2.8G instead of the 50/1.4G, because it's somewhat sharper at the middle apertures. But sometimes I'll let the fast 50 run and play the way it's meant to, and then pure resolving power doesn't seem to matter so much. If anything, this photo would benefit from more consistent softness.
This is also where I should make a joke about the photo being hand-held, but in truth the camera was on a monopod.
This is the only time in nine years that I've selectively softened and lowered local contrast.
(see also: "Staso / Gray")