
Killarney Colours

I went to Killarney, Ontario, with my camera club. The early-October timing was so that we could photograph the fall colours, but the trees weren't cooperating. Not that trees are all that interesting, anyway.

My goal was to gather enough sounds, video, and photos to create a 4-5 minute slide show that would be entirely my own creation, which (AFAIK) isn't something that's been done before in my club. As a result, I was thinking more for series than individual photos, and working with a few set themes and set focal lengths.

This is probably my favourite series, but I'm still in the early stages of editing and compiling all of the material I've collected.

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I have broken the links to hundreds and hundreds of photos, which will take a long time to repair. The workaround is to replace "photo.matthewpiers" in the link URL with "matthewpiers.smugmug". Awkward, but only temporary.

This is happening because I have revamped matthewpiers dot com. More of what I write and photograph will be going there, so check it out as well.

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