
#017, Utility

Madison Avenue at East 52nd Street.


#076, 42nd Street

When I booked my bus ticket I thought I would spend the entire day walking 42nd street, and visiting the places it passes by.

I'm glad I didn't do that.


#081, NYC Early Morning

It was strange weather in New York, warm but slightly hazy.

This is post number nine hundred and one, figuratively speaking.


#027, Store

Many people like photos that raise questions for the viewer, and for me this accomplishes that. I look at this and wonder how the store hasn't accidentally burned to the ground. But everyone's entitled to their own interpretation.


#057, 43rd & Madison

In Midtown on Saturday I did two loops around Times Square, Grand Central, and the Apple Store. Just few hours apart, there was a huge difference in the life of the city.


#083, 5th at 43rd

Positively Fifth street, New York City.


#534, Grey

On the road again.


#538, Construction

I took this as I hurried to work last Monday, and I used my Nikon F100 film SLR.

On the way home I saw that the basic arrangement was the same, and took out my digital P&S camera for a reshoot. Its battery was flat, and I don't carry a spare with me.

So despite the constant predictions of its demise, I can safely say that film isn't dead – but batteries often are.


Underwater #2

A couple more photos that I liked from my underwater adventure.



While it's been pretty quiet over here, my daily photo project has been progressing rather nicely. Using film cameras means that I take photos in lumps, so I'm countering that by using a digital point-and-shoot and posting one photo from it every day since it came out of the box. I upload my favourites from each day to a gallery, and the project continues until it reaches 5000 photos. I'm currently at 833 after 81 days.

Most days I take only a few photos, maybe five or ten. Today was more like fifty.

In addition to playing with my waterproof camera in a shallow fountain, I also brought out my Sony PCM-D50 audio recorder. I've mixed four different tracks together to create a 45 second sound clip with software that I'd never used before, which was far less frustrating than trying to create a slideshow with iMovie, then Final Cut Express, and finally iPhoto. The video results are unsubtle, but bearable enough for an afternoon's work.

(There is a time delay on the 5kp site, so today's photo won't appear until June 24.)

I have broken the links to hundreds and hundreds of photos, which will take a long time to repair. The workaround is to replace "photo.matthewpiers" in the link URL with "matthewpiers.smugmug". Awkward, but only temporary.

This is happening because I have revamped matthewpiers dot com. More of what I write and photograph will be going there, so check it out as well.

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