
The Bright Side

One of my articles has caught someone's attention, and so my review blog has had over 1300 hits in the past two days. (It got sub-3500 hits for the month of October.) I've had the somewhat surreal experience of reading people's comments, and even seeing myself quoted. My writing has been called interesting, fresh, practical and funny; my opinions have been called reasonable and even organized. (By someone who has never seen my desk.) I've gotten a few negative and/or misaligned comments as well, but for the most part it's been a positive bit of eavesdropping.

Not a single person has mentioned the photos that accompany the reviews.

It's good to know where I stand, neh?

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I have broken the links to hundreds and hundreds of photos, which will take a long time to repair. The workaround is to replace "photo.matthewpiers" in the link URL with "matthewpiers.smugmug". Awkward, but only temporary.

This is happening because I have revamped matthewpiers dot com. More of what I write and photograph will be going there, so check it out as well.

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