
Geometric Sanserif in White on Red

Billboards are a form of advertising that's completely parasitic instead of symbiotic.

Advertising on TV, a magazine, or a web-page provides a benefit to the publisher, and the person viewing the advertising is rewarded by the additional material that the publisher is able to provide. It's similar to the tasty fruit that plants use to reward animals who will later excrete their seeds. Billboards and other advertising in public spaces are more like burrs, succeeding by being an annoyance and imposition: they provide no benefit to the viewer in exchange for our suffering their visual clutter.

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I have broken the links to hundreds and hundreds of photos, which will take a long time to repair. The workaround is to replace "photo.matthewpiers" in the link URL with "matthewpiers.smugmug". Awkward, but only temporary.

This is happening because I have revamped matthewpiers dot com. More of what I write and photograph will be going there, so check it out as well.

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